About us
Who are SARj

Robin Klang
Service /Aftermarket
Mångårig erfarenhet av service och underhåll inom vindkraft, hissar, kranar och rulltrappor, varav 10 år som chef. Bred erfarenhet från golv till chefsnivå av allt från underhåll och reparationer till logistik, strategi, personalledning och organisation. Bygger goda relationer och strävar efter att matcha tekniska förutsättningar med kunders och samarbetspartners kunskap och önskemål. Är en lösningsorienterad person med fokus på utveckling och affärsmässighet. Vill få saker gjort!

Andreas Cederqvist
After 15 years of experience within complex technical sales I now follow my dream and have started my own company. My focus has always been customer satisfaction and long-term collaboration both with customers and suppliers. I have a background from commercial engine sales within the range of 9-16litres where I have worked both at the factory- and distributor side. Since 2013 I have been working with drive line systems with high complexity between engine and wheel or engine and propeller. The systems have been both traditional and hybrid systems. Before my carrier in technical sales, I have served several years as a military officer in the Swedish Amphibious corps where I worked both with high-speed navigation and technical educations. As a person I´m curious and always trying to achieve the best technical solution and overcome the customers and suppliers expectations. This will be made thru a big engagement from start to the product arrives to a happy customer.
Our business idea
After many years in global organizations within this area, we wanted to be able to give our customers and partners a more personal and professional approach. We want to put the customer in the center and work with product that we believe in. we think that is how we can greate value and god business.
Our customers and partners should be able to feel safe that we live up too our promises. We are a small family business with alot of personal commitment and a great network in the industry. We have alot of experiance both in sales and service and are technically strong.
We choose to work with manufacturer that offers premium products, and we what to influence the market towards more sustainabillity

SARj in our natural enviroment